Wednesday, July 19, 2006

So much for losing the baby fat...

I've been eating ok, with a few slip ups, but nothing major. I'm down to 8 lbs. above my prepregnancy weight.

BUT.....I won't be dieting to lose weight anymore! I got these a couple of days ago:

I'll have to make this blog an E2L pregnancy blog, now! I did want to lose all of my baby fat before getting pregnant again, but 8 lbs. isn't too bad and maybe I'll get lucky and lose a few more before I start gaining. I can dream, right?


Essie said...

I'm the first to congratulate!!! Wow! No. 5!!

Conc. pregnancy and weight: I was sick as dog during my first pregnancy and lost weight instead of gaining. It is NOT only morning sickness and it can last longer the first 3 months. Eventually in the last three months the weight added extra fast..... I lost it quick after her birth though....

Karena said...

Congratulations, Jodi! I wish you a happy and, most importantly, healthy pregnancy for both you and your baby.

....hmmm, I guess that's a fair enough excuse for having been absent from your blog for a bit!

Anonymous said...

Congrats! You should be able to find a lot of good advice about E2L and pregnancy on the E2L yahoo group...
Best of luck!


Nicole said...

Congratulations! I'm looking forward to your "ETL Pregnancy Blog"!

Jodi said...

Thank you all for your congrats! Hopefully, I won't get any morning sickness with this one!